Wednesday, May 25, 2016

 Donald trump New Hitler 

History have told us that many leaders wich come in power by powerful claims of defeating other countries in their people interest are the biggest Trojan horses ever and Donald trump is one of them
Donald Trump has jewshish orgin same as adlof hitler that is bloodline of Rothschild’s trump has its jewish bloodline’s Donald’s great-grandparents, Christian Johannes Drumpf and Katherina Kober, had sons, Christian Drumpf and Christ Chirst. Christian was Sleazy Freddy’s father. By his name, Christ Christ, may had converted to Judaism. Nevertheless, Donald’s great-grandmother, Kathernia Kober, may have been Jewish

The only person he reminds me is Adolf Hitler and the only thing that makes me fear him is because many important corporations and people in real power are claiming to be against him so in few words he is trying to sell himself as the leader wich is against (illuminati) and illuminati is confirming his claims by supposing  being against Doland Trump as Newt Gingrich said in debate in fox news Donald trump “hasn’t been through initiations” link below wich means his not part of illuminati (wich we know all American president has been part of illuminati) and the only one who tried to go against them got killed in public  . The truth is that the illuminati does everything opposed to what that say and this is one of them cases that they want to give us Donald Trump as the Trojan horse so making us believe we chose him and finding the big excuse that the people voted him and they will pay the consequences .So to me his nothing else but the new Hitler and I won’t be surprised that will create the world war 3 so the Corporations will make huge amounts of money on the American tax payers by loaning money to government selling weapons and stealing some other countries resources so they need a real businessman like Donald trump to run the show .Alex Jones in (info wars) show wich is supposed to fight illuminati exposing the truth is protecting  Donald trump agenda by saying he is against illuminati and he is the real American patriot wich is in the Americans people interest. Donald trump to me is one of them leader’s that illuminati put in power to make big changes to their interest and that’s very clear on his claims and his perspective .Donald trump has claimed that he will open September 11 case again and expose the truth really? He will investigate Federal reserve really ?He will then fight the Isis (is there really an Isis) how he is going to protect America with big walls in the borders and very violent laws, his need for increasing security wich is one of the main goal of illuminati controlling us

 A Simpsons episode that aired in March 2000 and predicted Donald Trump would become president was intended as a warning, its writer has said. And this kind of warnings are very often in Simpson , Family Guy and other illuminati media industry .I don’t see Trump like one of the illuminati poppy I see him as new Hitler and I am very sure he will win this elections and we the people of united states will be in the eye of the world as the evil people.